Mental Game of Racing

Arm Pump Solved – Part 1


It’s All in the Mind This is part one of a three part series on the psychology of arm pump by Patrick J. Cohn, Ph.D. an expert in motocross psychology. I think no one in motocross has discovered the real cause of arm pump or why it happens. After studying the mind of athletes and racers for over 15 years, I think that most racers never consider what I think is the real cause of arm pump. My theory on … Boost Confidence

Arm Pump Solved – Part 2


It’s All in the Mind This is part two of a three part series on the psychology of arm pump by Patrick J. Cohn, Ph.D. an expert in mental training for motocross. In part one, I discussed my theory of arm pump. Many theories about arm pump exist, but most of them say that arm pump is caused by poor fitness, having the wrong bike set up, or poor nutrition on race day. Based on my experience working with racers, … Boost Confidence

Arm Pump Solved – Part 3

It’s All in the Mind This is part three of a three part series on the psychology of arm pump by Patrick J. Cohn, Ph.D. an expert in mental training for motocross. In part two, I discussed one of the major mental breakdowns that cause motocross racers to get arm pump on the track. One mental breakdown is trying too hard in a race. I stated that racers try too hard because of the pressure they feel to succeed – … Boost Confidence

How to Control Your Emotions on the Track

Motocross and auto racing mental training expert, Dr. Patrick Cohn, at Racing Psychology helps NASCAR, Motocross, and motorcycle racers improve performance and lap times by boosting mental preparation, focus, and confidence on race day. Learn motocross and auto racing coaching techniques and strategies. Do you become really frustrated with yourself when not riding up to your expectations? In today’s mental training session for racers, I help a racer who is letting frustration get the best of him while he is … Boost Confidence

How to Stay Relaxed for Races

Motocross and auto racing mental training expert, Dr. Patrick Cohn, at helps NASCAR, Motocross, and motorcycle racers improve performance and lap times by boosting mental preparation, focus, and confidence on race day. Learn motocross and auto racing coaching techniques and strategies. Do you have trouble sleeping the night before races, and have trouble finding your flow or staying relaxed on the track? In today’s mental training session for racers, I’ll give you some tips on how relax before and … Boost Confidence

Improve Your Confidence and Mindset

Mental training expert for motocross and auto racers, Dr. Patrick Cohn, at helps NASCAR, Motocross, and motorcycle racers improve performance and lap times by boosting focus, confidence and mental preparation on race day. Learn motocross and auto racing mental training tips and strategies. In today’s psychology of racing session, I offer mental racing tips to help beginner racers get into the right frame of mind before races. I answer the following mental training game of racing question: “For beginner … Boost Confidence